Vaccine Alert

We are hearing different months with the latest being December for a COVID vaccine. Most people do not understand that this is no normal vaccine. It is for the first time where GMO will be injected into your bloodstream, potentially to alter your DNA. So for this particular RNA Vaccine, it is not only a NO it is HELL NO.

Your best strategy, should the government attempt to make it MANDATORY which is sure to end up at the Supreme Court, is to Delay, Delay, Delay. Do not be one of the first to take this experimental vaccine, be one of the last.

Lets not hold out false hope on the Supreme Court either, remember the reason the Supreme Court exists is to give the oligarchy (Top 1%) an end run around a public vote. The Supreme Court has routinely violated the constitution and many of these judges are blackmailed into control.

This video below does a great job of explaining the vaccine plan. Masks were only the first step toward social re-engineering compliance and submission.


Great Video on this Subject

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